martes, noviembre 08, 2005

Reverse Speech

Queda de su parte creer o no creer.. Les invito a que hagan la prueba...

* Reverse speech is one of the areas of strange phenomena that even many extremely open-minded researchers of the unusual find hard to swallow. Essentially, the idea of reverse speech is this: hidden within the ordinary things we say is a deeper meaning - words and phrases spoken unconsciously that are revealed only when our recorded speech is played in reverse. The question is, are proponents of reverse speech just hearing what they want to hear or are they really on to something?*

"It initially gained worldwide fame in the early 80s as those strange backward messages in rock and roll. Since that time, research has progressed significantly and it is now known to exist in all forms of human speech"

"Human speech has two distinctive yet complementary functions and modes. The "overt" mode is spoken forwards and is primarily under conscious control. The "covert" mode is spoken backward and is not under conscious control."

*Reverse speech, apparently, doesn't flow as readily as normal forward speech. When normal speech is played backward, only bits and pieces of reverse speech can be recognized about every 10 to 15 seconds, says Oates, in the form of a few words or short phrases.

Perhaps the most controversial aspect of reverse speech isn't that one can discern words and phrases within reversed speech, but in the claim that the backward speech unconsciously reveals the true feelings and intent of the speaker*


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

En Spanish por favor?

Anónimo dijo...

"El que busca encuentra" dicen por ahi... Por leyes de promedio, el analizar miles de grabaciones en reversa seguramente trae como resultado encontrar algunas palabras comprensibles... Es como los que buscan figuras de la virgen hasta en un plato de sopa!! :D

Un abrazo,